Union Jack

美 [ˈjuːniən dʒæk]英 [ˈjuːniən dʒæk]
  • n.英国国旗;联合王国国旗

复数: Union Jacks

Union JackUnion Jack


the name for the national flag of the United Kingdom

Union Jack


  • 1
    N-COUNT 联合王国国旗;英国国旗
    The Union Jack is the national flag of the United Kingdom. It consists of a blue background with red and white crosses on it.

  1. The coffin had been draped in a Union Jack


  2. The Union Jack is quite tongue-in-cheek .


  3. The national flag of the united kingdom be call the union jack


  4. Hey , Larry , you still have got my Union Jack CD


  5. The relation between critical temperature and the coupling constants for Union Jack lattice mixed-spin model


  6. 1606-The Union Jack is adopted as the national flag of Great Britain .


  7. A tracing of a union jack .


  8. In this paper , we propose a generalized mixed spin model on the union jack lattice . The mean field .


  9. The Union Jack waved over them .


  10. A rocket containing a Union Jack , will , it is hoped , be shortly fired at the moon .


  11. It was decided that the Union Jack should fly at half-mast from Churchill 's death until his funeral .


  12. The Captain himself was punctual in his attendance at a church in his own neighbourhood , which hoisted the Union Jack every Sunday morning ;


  13. It was a solemn , stately and emotional moment , as the Union Jack was lowered and the Chinese flag raised at midnight on June 30 .


  14. It began with her coffin being placed into a standard hearse at a funeral directors headquarters in North London and draped in a Union Jack .


  15. So only Northern Ireland joined with England , Wales and Scotland to become the United Kingdom and this was shown to the world in a new flag called the Union Jack .


  16. The streets were full of flags – and of union jack dresses , leggings , hats , capes , scarves , hairstyles , whatever .


  17. Meanwhile , Geri rocked a super-short red dress with Union Jack detailing , which she paired with a Halo & Co gold filigree tiara .


  18. Other new items in the Royal Collection 's royal wedding range include a heart decoration , combining the stars and stripes flag of Meghan 's home nation the USA , and the Union Jack flag of the United Kingdom .


  19. This blend is perhaps most obvious in the music room , where a neutral palette and a traditional chaise are jazzed up by Union Jack pillows and a Beatles drum set from vintage shops in London .


  20. In this paper , the Ising model with two-body anisotropic interactions and three-body interactions on union Jack lattice is solved by free-fermion approximation . We have obtained its free energy , spontaneous magnetisation and the equation of critical points .


  21. Brompton , the British fold-up bike manufacturer , recently put the finishing touches to five customised designs to be sold in China - one sporting the colours of the Union Jack ; another traditional English racing green , complete with a Brooks leather saddle .


  22. A bright afternoon in London 's Covent , there is a cat wearing a jaunty Union Jack neckerchief . Surrounded by a crowd of 30 open-mouthed spectators , Bob , a tubby ginger tom , smiles beatifically .


  23. He was referring to footage of him on a 150 feet - ( 46-metre ) - high wire at a publicity event last week when he was left dangling over a crowd of people for several minutes , clutching a Union Jack flag , as the pulley from which he was suspended got stuck .
